January 23, 2012

Judging a Book by its Cover

I joined a website called Goodreads.com, where you can keep track of what you have read and share your book reviews with friends. It reminds me of what I used to do with Blogging for Books, back when I wrote a lot more than I do now.

It will be interesting to discover how many books I read in a year. Its never crossed my mind to keep track in the past. My goal is 50 books for 2012, but its only January 23rd and I'm 16% of the way to the finish line. I may have to adjust that.

They also do giveaways and I entered to win some of them. There are hundreds you could try and win, but I don't want to get a book that I wouldn't be at least halfway enjoy reading. Many of the authors are new to me. To figure out what contests I want to enter, I'm doing it. I'm judging books by their cover.

I know, its not the "right" thing to do. Time should be spent discovering what the book contains on the inside. But, when you don't have a lot of time, or can't realistically make the effort (reading the book before entering the contest to win it, is kind of silly) what else should you do?

This can be true for people, too. I realize you should try and get to know people before you judge them. But sometimes its not realistic and you have to decide in a short amount of time how you feel. Take a job interview, you have 30 minutes to judge if this person will be a good fit for a company. Why is it okay for an organization to look at how a person is dressed along with a few minutes of conversation, but if an individual were to do the same thing, they would be "judgmental"?

Just like authors work hard to pick books that will attract you, people do the same everyday.

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