January 5, 2013


Today we went to the visitation for a good friend of mine. In the span of two weeks she had a baby then lost her father and grandma in the same day. I was so sad for her. The birth of a child should be such a happy time and while she was saying hello to the baby she had to say goodbye. We got to sneak a peek at her little one. I'll plan to go visit her soon.

Its been a big day for my little girl she made two steps on the growing/learning path. On our way home she discovered how to pull on her carseat toy to make it play music. She did it several times so I know it wasn't an accident. I even watched her do it after we arrived home.

If that wasn't enough excitement for the day we were doing some tummy time and she rolled over from her tummy to back! She had been fussing a little, but stopped after she rolled. Its amazing how fast she is learning and growing.

Here she is being silly with a wipe she decided to put on her head.

Day 5

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